Blind Faith, skip it and stick with 1984
I picked up Ben Elton’s “Blind Faith” on Sunday on my way through the Airport. I was looking for a little light relief, nothing that required concentration and perhaps a bit funny. Given that Ben Elton is the creator of “The Young Ones” and “The Black Adder”, I lived in hope that this simple wish would be fulfilled.
Well, I am sorry to disapoint, the book is cynical, uninteresting, dreary, dreadfully boring and not in the least amusing. I don’t quite know what’s happened to Ben Elton. It’s as if he is stuck in a perpetual American pseudopsychology TV show. I just didn’t care about the characters and positively cheered on the last page when the main character checked out.
I don’t recommend the book, it’s a whole day of misery. Instead why not pick up George Orwell’s classic 1984.