Glitter & Doom, worshiping at the Altar of Tom Waits

Well, I decided on January 1 2009, that perhaps I should remove Tom from my homepage. Tom Wait’s and the Glitter and Doom Tour is long gone now and has become a wonderful memory. As far as I am concerned, the Number One event of 2008 was Tom Waits live on the Glitter and Doom Tour.

I will remember 2008 always, the heat, the smell of the cities Dublin & Paris, the good humour of the crowd outside the theatre queuing for the gig at La Grande Rex in Paris, the fresh clean smell of the grass and the trees following the rain in the Phoenix Park at Dublin’s Ratcellar gigs. I just couldn’t bring myself to delete Tom, so I’ve just pinned him to the top of my blog, but in truth his concerts are beyond best, they are stunning, magical even.

Here is my review from 2008.

The wait for Waits is over and more than worth the wait. Tom has been and gone. It’s no secret that I love Crazy Ol’ Tom’s music and this tour I’ve been worshiping at the Altar of Waits and managed to catch him live four times. I’m only sorry I didn’t follow Eridanus and go to all the gigs on the European Tour.

The build up to the tour was the funniest promotion I’ve ever seen. First there was the fake Press Conference video. The flash of bulbs, journalists asking questions, the murmur of the press in the room, and then Tom pick’s up his coat and hat, lifts the needle off a record, dons his bowler hat and finally we realised the room is empty! I remember jumping around the room when he announces he’s coming to Dublin as part of the European Tour. The concept is pure Genius. Below is the Press Conference from the Anti Records YouTube Channel.

Then there was the interview, where he interviews himself! You can read Tom Waits interviews Tom Wait the full interview at NPR. Hilarious and true especially the bit about what’s wrong with the World.

Anyway, even today,  I’m still ten feet off the ground. Tom Waits live @ Le Grande Rex in Paris was excellent because the sound was pristine and the venue the best in Europe. I hope someone had the forethought to film that gig.

Tom live in Dublin @ The Ratcellar, particularly on the last night Friday 1st August, was stunning. He looked like he really loved being with us, the venue suited him, he was ringmaster, magician, hypnotist, story teller, singer, songwriter, musician, performer supreme. The last song he sang was “Lucky Day”. I hope he meant it, and that he will “be back some lucky day”.

If you were unable to see Tom perform live during the 2008 Glitter and Doom tour, then visit NPR and download the podcast of his two and a half hour concert at Atlanta’s Fox Theatre recorded live on July 5th 2008. The podcast is free compliments of Tom.

Tom Wait’s record label is Anti and you will find lots of videos and information on Tom on their website.