Skyfest @ St. Patrick’s Rock of Cashel
Skyfest at Cashel: In association with The National Lottery and St. Patricks Festival will be a truly spectacular event on the site of the iconic Rock of Cashel, Co. Tipperary.
This spectacular pyrotechnic, lighting, and musical gathering is designed to celebrate the spirit of The St. Patricks Festival and the work of The National Lottery, at the majestic backdrop of the Rock of Cashel.
They say “It’s a long way to Tipperary”, but in this instance it’s a “no brainer”, go! The Rock of Cashel is one of the most spectacular backdrops in Ireland and the Skyfest is free. What better way to kick of the St. Patrick’s Festival than in the same place where St. Patrick converted King Aenghus to Christianity in the 5th century.
If you like the photo of St. Patrick’s Rock of Cashel, above, which I took during a driving holiday in Ireland with my Australian cousins, please feel free to down and use it.
Further information:
Saturday 15th March 2008, Cashel, Co. Tipperary. Ireland
from 6.30pm to 8.30pm
Free ticketed event, Pre-registration required